söndag 15 november 2015

Sunday SumUp; 15W46

Imorgon kommer Stella! Det är typ det enda jag kan tänka på..! Ber om ursäkt i förskott ut i fall att jag inte bloggar så värst imorgon. Kan hända att denna lilla kanin, inte minst i kombination med Kasper (håll tummarna att de gillar varann..!), tar upp rätt mycket av mitt fokus under morgondagen. Här kommer i alla fall veckans länkar. Enjoy!

1. Costa Rica Becomes First Latin American Country to Ban Hunting for Sport.

2. SeaWorld to Shut Down Cruel Killer Whale Exhibit Admist Public Backlash.

3. Beyoncé, Jay-Z och Blue Ivys maskeradoutfit.

4. Sköldpadda. 

5. @Kallifatides: "Jag förstår inte riktigt hur den flyktingstragedi vi bevittnar debatteras som ett större problem för oss än för alla som genomlever den."

6. Skrattig blooper med Amy Schumer.

7. Stjärnadvokatens protest under rättegången: "Beskriv dina kalsonger".

8. Breaking: Government releases photo of space aliens exploring earth. Just kidding. It's just a couple of guys who are scared to come in contact with the chemicals they are spraying on our food.

9."Hey Buzzfeed, this isn't fucking inspiring. "The hardest part about being a woman is figuring out what to wear"... no, the hardest part of being a woman is being objectified from an early age, or maybe trying to establish a sense of self-worth when societally we are valued for looks and have an "expiration date". Maybe the hardest part of being a woman is GROWING HUMANS INSIDE OF OUR BODIES and then delivering that child, and then feeding it from our body for months on end. It could be the incredible pressure we have to balance work with raising children - and doing a perfect job at both. The hardest part of being a woman might be the anger that comes from male politicians telling you what's best for your body, or males in general dictating how you should feel - and if you have an opinion, you probably just "have your period". Hey, it also sucks to make 70% of what a man makes for the same job. Or maybe the hardest part about being a woman is figuring out why you're either a slut or a prude, both insults based on what women decide to do with THEIR bodies. Maybe the hardest part of being a woman is worrying about being raped and attacked any time (literally any time) you are out after dark, or the worry that if it DOES happen, it will probably be your fault for how you're dressed or how much you've been drinking.

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